Project Overview


The Problem:

Deciding to adopt a pet is often an exciting and nerve-wracking experience. At Austin Animal Center (AAC), people are able to adopt pets and volunteer their time, amongst other activities. However, AAC’s website struggled to convey their variety of services in an accessible and easy-to-understand way, creating unnecessary frustration for their clients.

The Solution:

My three partners and I decided to redesign the website in a way that allows visitors to focus on their needs first by creating an intuitive and well-organized website. The redesign addresses organizational, content, and aesthetic issues. We conducted generative research to compare the current website with its competitors, to understand user’s pain points, to identify user’s navigational habits, and to evaluate the current website. After doing so, we created both low-fidelity and medium-fidelity mock ups. Finally, we conducted an eye tracking and usability study to evaluate our prototype.

My Role:

Research, surveys, cardsorting, content inventory, persona creation, usability study, prototyping, eye tracking


Sketch, Invision, Optimal Workshop, Qualtrics

Big Roadmap.png
Survey Purpose.png
Survey Results.png
Survey Recommendations.png
Comp Eval Rationale@0.5x.png
Comp Eval Recommendations.png
Cardsorting Results.png
Content Inventory.png
Content User Maps.png
Usability Test.png
Usability Task Results.png
Usability Big Results.5.png
Low Fis.png
Hi Fis Copy.png
Hi Fis.png
Foster Task.png
28. Usability Test Redesign.png
29. Usability Task Results Redesign.png
30. Usability Redesign.5.png
31. Future Directions.png