Project Overview

The Problem:

Over 50% of patients are non-adherent and do not take their medication, causing $100 billion in lost revenue and harming patient health. With the use of med-ALs, a machine learning algorithm, clinicians can view the likelihood of a patient’s non-adherence and see the top contributing factors for their non-adherence. Because this algorithm is newly developed, it has not yet been integrated into any electronic medical records for clinician use.

The Solution:

I created a proof-of-concept prototype that shows med-ALs’ information and adds appropriate patient education tools to an already-existing electronic medical record over the period of twelve weeks. The project workflow included two parts: the first part included user research, such as a literature review, comparative analysis, multiple modeling techniques, personas, and workflows. The second part pivoted to user design and rapid iterative test evaluation (RITE) testing, which allowed for an agile redesign process.

My Role:

Client kickoff, literature review, competitive analysis, information architecture, flow modeling, personas, user flow, mock ups, wireframes, prototyping, usability testing, RITE testing


Sketch, Invision, Excel

1. Title.png
2. Table of Contents Copy.png
3. Road Map.png
6. Lit. Review 1.png
7. Lit Review 2.png
10. Comp Eval Methodology.png
9.  Comp Eval 1.png
10. Comp Eval Methodology.png
11. Comp Eval.png
12. Comp Eval 2 Copy.png
15. Modeling Intro.png
16. Flow Model - Current.png
17. Flow Model - Current Copy.png
19. Flow Model- Future.png
20. Design Thinking.png
21. Persona.png
22. Flow Chart.png
23. Flow Chart Copy.png
24. Flow Chart Copy 2.png
25. Mock Up Intro.png
27. RX Adherence.png
27. RX Adherence.png
32. Workflow.png
36. Version 1 RXA Popout.png
36. Version 1 RXA Popout.png
38. PED Workflow 1.png
39. PED Workflow 2.png
41. PED Des 1.png
42. PED Des. 2.png
43. Next Steps.png